Act to Impact

Act to Impact
Introduction to Virtual E.A.MUNC -2020 This guide will walk you through the use the platform - Zoom - for the VIRTUAL E.A.MUNC-2020 You can download the application by visiting the website: Once you download the application, please create an account for yourself that you will use to log in to all the committee sessions for the conference. You can use the app on your laptop or your mobile phone. This document will apprise you of the features on zoom on a laptop with each version having the same features. The details of each committee session and conference session will be shared with you 24 hours before the pop breakout-up session to the email ID of your faculty advisor. Please ensure you check your email account/ WhatsApp regularly for all updates. We proceed with an explanation of the features of zoom following which, we will explain the specific features you will need for committee proceedings.